Scott Hanselman, blogging and podcasting

I’m feeling inadequate It’s kind of amazing, this is a hot blogging day for me and Scott Hanselman still has me outpaced even though he’s in Tanzania at the moment.

What’s even more amazing is that all of his posts are interesting and informative.

Not to sound too much like a fan boy (borrowing a line from Scott himself) but several times this week I’ve been asked questions and the answer has been listen to X Hanselminutes on topics from Reflection to contact management in A Better Outlook. I’ve been doing a lot of driving lately and I’ve caught up on a lot of the Hanselminutes that I haven’t had time to listen to before.

Side Note————————-

I got a Kensington FM transmitter for my IPod (bought before the Zune came out…) and listen to a ton of podcasts while driving. (I’ll post about those soon and add them to my blogroll.)


It’s been cool getting to “know” Scott through the podcasts. If you don’t listen to it, you should. I’ve learned about a lot of little things that I have not had time to explore and gotten better explanations to a lot of things that I already knew.

Some examples:
I have not had time to investigate PowerShell

Windows PowerShell (MONAD) Part II
Jeffrey Snover, PowerShell Architect
Microsoft Command Shell (MONAD)

This is one of the best and most concise explanations of how Scrum works

The Line of Scrummage

I have changed how I do email because of this one

A Better Outlook

I was actually mentioned in this one about one of my little pet topics Code Generation

Code Generation

What was fun about this was how surprised he sounded when he said my name.

I also like the non-programming topics, such as HDTV, Diabetes Technology and the Hanselminutiae topics.  

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